DETECTING CONDITION: • When VDCCM&H/U was replaced • When fault was detected or electronic parking brake switch was operated under faulty condition • When electronic parking brake switch was operated during maintenance mode • When electronic parking brake was operated while the vehicle was running on the free roller or while the tires were rotating with a help of the free roller • When electronic parking brake was operated with the brake high in temperature or operated on a steep slope TROUBLE SYMPTOM: Electronic parking brake may not operate properly.
1. CLUTCH DISC1. Facing wearMeasure the depth from the facing surface to the rivet head. Replace if the face is worn locally or worn down to less than the specified value.Depth to rivet head:Limit of sinking0.8 mm (0.031 in)NOTE:Do not wash the clutch disc with any type of cleaning fluid.2. Hardened ...