Honda Civic manuals

Subaru Legacy BN/BS (2015-2019) Service Manual: Control valve body

CAUTION:• Do not turn the power of the Subaru Select Monitor OFF during work, and do not disconnect the data link connector.• On completing the work in FWD, switch back in AWD.1. Shift the ...

CAUTION:• Directly after the vehicle has been running or the engine has been idling for a long time, the CVTF is hot. Be careful not to burn yourself.• Be careful not to spill CVTF on the ...

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Repair or replace the differential gear in the following cases:• When the hypoid driven gear and drive pinion shaft tooth surfaces are damaged, excessively worn, or seized.• When the roller bearing on the drive pinion shaft has a worn or damaged roller path.• When there is damage, ...

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