1.CHECK HARNESS BETWEEN ECM AND ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL CONNECTOR. 1) Turn the ignition switch to OFF. 2) Disconnect the connectors from ECM and electronic throttle control. 3) Measure the resistance between ECM connector and chassis ground. Connector & terminal (E158) No. 32 — Chassis ground: (E158) No. 29 — Chassis ground: (E158) No. 29 — (E158) No. 19: (E158) No. 31 — Chassis ground: (E158) No. 31 — (E158) No. 19: | Is the resistance 1 M- or more- | Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC P2135 THROTTLE/PEDAL POSITION SENSOR/SWITCH "A"/"B" VOLTAGE CORRELATION | Repair the ground short circuit of harness between ECM connector and electronic throttle control connector. |
2.CHECK SHORT CIRCUIT INSIDE THE ECM. 1) Connect the connector to ECM. 2) Measure the resistance between electronic throttle control connector and engine ground. Connector & terminal (E57) No. 6 — Engine ground: (E57) No. 4 — Engine ground: | Is the resistance 1 M- or more- | Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC P2135 THROTTLE/PEDAL POSITION SENSOR/SWITCH "A"/"B" VOLTAGE CORRELATION | Repair the ground short circuit of harness between ECM connector and electronic throttle control connector. Replace the ECM if defective. Engine Control Module (ECM) |
3.CHECK HARNESS BETWEEN ECM AND ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL CONNECTOR. 1) Disconnect the connector from ECM. 2) Measure the resistance of harness between ECM connector and electronic throttle control connector. Connector & terminal (E158) No. 29 — (E57) No. 6: (E158) No. 31 — (E57) No. 4: (E158) No. 34 — (E57) No. 3: | Is the resistance less than 1 -- | Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC P2135 THROTTLE/PEDAL POSITION SENSOR/SWITCH "A"/"B" VOLTAGE CORRELATION | Repair the open circuit of harness between ECM connector and electronic throttle control connector. |
4.CHECK HARNESS BETWEEN ECM AND ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL CONNECTOR. 1) Connect the connector to ECM. 2) Measure the resistance between electronic throttle control connector and engine ground. Connector & terminal (E57) No. 3 — Engine ground: | Is the resistance less than 5 -- | Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC P2135 THROTTLE/PEDAL POSITION SENSOR/SWITCH "A"/"B" VOLTAGE CORRELATION | Repair the open circuit in harness between ECM connector and engine ground. |
5.CHECK HARNESS BETWEEN ECM AND ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL CONNECTOR. 1) Turn the ignition switch to ON. 2) Measure the voltage between electronic throttle control connector and engine ground. Connector & terminal (E57) No. 6 (+) — Engine ground (−): (E57) No. 4 (+) — Engine ground (−): | Is the voltage 5 V or more- | Repair the short circuit to power in the harness between ECM connector and electronic throttle control connector. | Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC P2135 THROTTLE/PEDAL POSITION SENSOR/SWITCH "A"/"B" VOLTAGE CORRELATION |
6.CHECK HARNESS BETWEEN ECM AND ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL CONNECTOR. 1) Turn the ignition switch to OFF. 2) Disconnect the connector from ECM. 3) Measure the resistance between ECM connectors. Connector & terminal (E158) No. 32 — (E158) No. 29: (E158) No. 32 — (E158) No. 31: | Is the resistance 1 M- or more- | Repair the poor contact of electronic throttle control connector. Replace the electronic throttle control if defective. Throttle Body | Repair the short circuit to power in the harness between ECM connector and electronic throttle control connector. |