1. Install the O-ring to front reduction drive gear. NOTE: • Use new O-rings. • Apply CVTF to the O-rings. 2. While holding the torque converter assembly by hand, carefully install it into the torque converter case. NOTE: • Apply CVTF to the oil seal lip. • Do not damage the oil seal and O-ring. 3. Engage the splines while gently rotating the torque converter assembly by hand, and securely insert the assembly. 4. Measure depth “A”, from converter case end surface to drive plate contacting surface. Standard (reference): 6.8 mm (0.268 in) or less 5. Install the transmission assembly to the vehicle. Automatic Transmission Assembly > INSTALLATION |
Dtc p0451 evap system (cpc) pressure sensor/switch circuit range/performance
DTC DETECTING CONDITION:Detected when two consecutive driving cycles with fault occur.CAUTION:After servicing or replacing faulty parts, perform Clear Memory Mode Clear Memory Mode > OPERATION, and Inspection Mode Inspection Mode > PROCEDURE.STEPCHECKYESNO1.CHECK FOR ANY OTHER DTC ON DISPLAY.Is an ...