1. Using the refrigerant recovery system, discharge refrigerant. Refrigerant Recovery Procedure > PROCEDURE 2. Disconnect the ground terminal from battery sensor. NOTE 3. Remove the air intake duct. • H4 model: Air Intake Duct > REMOVAL • H6 model: Air Intake Duct > REMOVAL 4. Remove the reservoir tank. • H4 model: Reservoir Tank > REMOVAL • H6 model: Reservoir Tank > REMOVAL 5. Remove the bumper face - front. Front Bumper > REMOVAL 6. Remove the active grille shutter. (H4 model) Active Grille Shutter > REMOVAL 7. Remove the clip, and remove the bracket - grille. 8. Remove the bolt, and detach the hose - pressure discharge and the pipe - evaporator cooling. CAUTION: Seal the disconnected hose, pipe and engaging part of condenser assembly with a plug or vinyl tape to prevent foreign matter from entering. 9. Remove the bolts and remove the radiator upper bracket. 10. Remove the bolts, and remove the condenser assembly - air conditioner. CAUTION: • Push the radiator to the engine side, and pull it out through the space between the radiator and the radiator panel. • Be careful not to damage the condenser and radiator fin. If a damaged fin is found, repair it using a thin screwdriver. |
Basic diagnostic procedure procedure
STEPCHECKYESNO1.PERFORM CUSTOMER INTERVIEW.Using the Check List for Interview, ask the customer the condition of how the trouble occurred. Check List for Interview > CHECKDid you interview the customer- Basic Diagnostic Procedure > PROCEDUREInterview the customer. Check List for Interview > CHECK2 ...