Honda Civic manuals

Subaru Legacy BN/BS (2015-2019) Service Manual: Removal

1. Using the refrigerant recovery system, discharge refrigerant. Refrigerant Recovery Procedure > PROCEDURE

2. Disconnect the ground terminal from battery sensor. NOTE

3. Remove the air intake duct.

H4 model: Air Intake Duct > REMOVAL

H6 model: Air Intake Duct > REMOVAL

4. Remove the reservoir tank.

H4 model: Reservoir Tank > REMOVAL

H6 model: Reservoir Tank > REMOVAL

5. Remove the bumper face - front. Front Bumper > REMOVAL

6. Remove the active grille shutter. (H4 model) Active Grille Shutter > REMOVAL

7. Remove the clip, and remove the bracket - grille.

8. Remove the bolt, and detach the hose - pressure discharge and the pipe - evaporator cooling.


Seal the disconnected hose, pipe and engaging part of condenser assembly with a plug or vinyl tape to prevent foreign matter from entering.

9. Remove the bolts and remove the radiator upper bracket.

10. Remove the bolts, and remove the condenser assembly - air conditioner.


Push the radiator to the engine side, and pull it out through the space between the radiator and the radiator panel.

Be careful not to damage the condenser and radiator fin. If a damaged fin is found, repair it using a thin screwdriver.


1. Check to see that the condenser fins are not clogged with debris or insects. Blow with compressed air or flush fins with water as needed.2. If any oil leak is found from the condenser, replace the ...

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