Honda Civic manuals

Subaru Legacy BN/BS (2015-2019) Service Manual: Installation


Install the mud guard - front so that the front end of the mud guard (b) comes outside the bumper face - front (a).

1. Install the access buzzer.

2. Connect the ground terminal to battery sensor. NOTE

Using the Subaru Select Monitor, perform forced operation of the access buzzer. User Customizing > OPERATIONIf the buzzer does not sound, replace the access buzzer. ...

Access key

Other materials:

1. FRONT DISC BRAKE• 16-inch(1)Support - front disc brake(9)Piston - disc brake(17)Shim - disc brake front inner A(2)Pad clip - front brake(10)Piston boot(18)Shim - disc brake front inner B(3)Caliper body(11)Lock pin - front brake(19)Disc rotor (ventilated type)(4)Bleeder - screw(12)Lock pin - ...

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